Tuesday 24 September 2013

It has been a number of weeks since my last post and we have experienced a very busy period on both courses with important club competitions and invitations along with our scheduled aeration and over seeding work on both courses. Back at the start of the month we completed the scheduled aeration and over seeding work on the Lodge Course. This included solid tining with 15mm tines to a depth of 120mm followed by over-seeding with bent and fescue.

We drilled into the greens 120kg of bent seed and 80kg of fescue seed. A double pass of bent seed was completed on some of the more sheltered greens and on the rest of the greens one pass of bent seed was completed along with one pass of fescue seed. This will help us really improve our grass composition and build on the success of previous years. During this work the prevailing weather conditions were very dry so we applied small amounts of water to to make sure the seed was moist.

We also completed verti draining to approaches and walk ways around greens. All tees were verti drained and top dressed during the week also.

Once all the greens had been seeded we then top dressed all green, collars and aprons using in the region of 45 tones. The top dressing was then brushed in and the greens rolled to retain surface levels.

The work went really well and surfaces recovered nicely and presentation was quickly restored.

The results were there for all to see within 7 days, the seed had germinated and was clearly visible the aim now will be to make sure the after care is in place to allow the new seedlings to establish and mature into the existing sward.